Nkhotakota Police Officers Soldier-On for Christ

Police Officers are often associated with law and order for a country. Once seen in their uniform they are seen as government agents to enforce order, but on May 20, 2017 the story was different. On this day, clad in their police uniform their duty was different; to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of Nkhota-kota. They took charge of Christ battlefield, they shifted places, instead of being government law enforcers, on this day they were law enforcers for the Kingdom of Christ.
Their message was to encourage the congregation to soldier on for Christ Kingdom; never to leave the battle field for the war between evil and good rages on. Their message also centered on Cornelius, the Roman Solder who recognized the power of Christ despite the obstacles that were laid between the Jews and the Romans. They drew their theme from on Luke 7:1.
This was the first of its kind and members of the congregation could not hide their excitement. It is rare to find police officers in their full uniform conducting a church service. This made most of the congregation curious and wanted to hear what the officers had prepared for them; most members returned for the afternoon service. This day changed the perception of most people over the officers. According to Williams Kajoloweka, an officer from Nkhotakota who also happens to be the president of Nkhotakota SDA Communications team, church members were happy to have the Police Force conduct activities for the day.

“Members appreciated the gesture and went on to ask more of the officers to conduct such activities,” Said Kaminjolo.
It was on the same day that the first elder for the church, SGt McMillan Zakumbuyo, bid farewell to the congregation, he transferred to Mchinji. The Elder had been in Nkhotakota for 11 years and served as a first elder for three consecutive years.
What a memorable day it was, from morning till evening, the men and women in uniform, proclaimed the good news.