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Lilongwe City Zone Youth Leaders Trained In Leadership Skills

Writer's picture: Henry KopaHenry Kopa

Lilongwe city zone Adventist youth leaders and all Master guides have gathered at Mkwichi secondary school in area 47, Lilongwe where they have in_service training from 25th January to 27th January 2019.

In his opening remarks, Comrade Kondwani Ngwale, Lilongwe city zone Adventist youth coordinator thanked the leaders for coming in large numbers and encouraged them to listen with active minds so as to learn and retain everything that has been prepared for them.

According to him,the delegates will be drilled in Adventist music,AY and programming, Adventist youth ministries leadership, public relations among God's children,master guide portofolio system, Discpline and many more.

The CMC Adventist youth Director Pastor Chancy Mchewere Banda graced opening ceremony and read from Matthew chapter 24 verses 1-3 and the theme was" How soon is it soon".

Pastor Chancy Mchewere Banda said Jesus Christ is indeed coming soon but no one knows of the day or the hour.

He further said that Jesus talked of parables in his teachings.

" The parable of the 10 virgins, the five kept oil in their lamps and the other five did not. The Bible says when these virgins realised that the groom was taking long, they slept. The coming of Jesus Christ will delay and this will make the church to sleep," said pastor Mchewere Banda.

Pastor Mchewere Banda added that the delay of Jesus Christ's coming does not mean that the church should sleep,it should rather give the church ample time to repent.

" If the church sleeps, false teachings and other destructive elements may easily creep into the church. God needs leaders who have oil in their lamps and who will never slumber," He explained.

Pastor Mchewere Banda also highlighted on the parable of the talents.

He said that the giver was aware of the potential of everyone when giving the talents.

" The one who was given five talents came out with other five,the one with two came out with other two but the one with one came out with the same talent. This is teaching us young people as well as leaders that as we're waiting for His second coming, we should be active." added pastor Mchewere Banda.

He further urged the leaders to encourage their followers and help them achieve their goals. He also added that the gospel must be preached to the whole world so that people should know Jesus Christ and prepare for His second coming.

Speaking to the delegates on Sabbath, Pastor Joshua Zilinde who is Lilongwe city zone Adventist youth advisor emphasized on the need for leaders to be disciplined.

As leaders, you need to be examplary to the society and role models to the children you lead,You need to exercise discipline in dressing,speech and time management" said Pastor Zilinde.

There are over 500 leaders attending the training.


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