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Area 49 SDA Church Baptizes 13 People

Happy Njalam'mano

Thirteen people were on Sabbath, March 16th, 2019, baptized at Area 49 Seventh day Adventist Church after successfully completing Bible Class lessons.

The Church pastor, Julius Chambwe presided over the colorful baptism that happened soon after divine service.Pastor Chambwe encouraged other people who have not been baptized to emulate the example of those baptized on the day by receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

One of those baptized, Harsey Kunkanga, minced no words in expressing his joy to be baptized on the day.Prior to the baptism, The Pastor who led the congregation in Devotion, gave a word of encouragement to the congregation not to be dismayed even though the world forgets them.He presented a sermon titled “The Forgotten” where he made reference to a Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, who was forgotten by his jealousy brothers and was sold as a slave to Potiphar.

Baptized Members making their vows

“While Joseph was in prison for a crime he never committed a sin, he remembered to praise God all the time. Nobody reminded him to pray.We can be taken as outcasts in our societies but we should always remember our God''Preached Pastor Chambwe.

“While we are in troubles, we should remember to pray. Nobody reminded Joseph to pray when he was in troubles. No troubles should set us apart from our God,” He said.

The Pastor led the sermon with scripture from Genesis 40:23.



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On behalf of the 118,712 plus Seventh-day Adventists who comprise Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, I congratulate you for visiting our website. We are here to serve you. Central Malawi Conference started out as a mission field in 1964 and was first headquartered at Dedza Boma some 99 kilometers from Lilongwe and about 221 kilometers from Blantyre off the M1 road in Malawi.  Read More

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Kaunda Road - Area 49, Next to Area 49 SDA Church, Lilongwe.


Mail: Private Bag B-516 Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Phone: 265-177-9100;  265-177-9101, Fax: +265-177-3814. 



“To spread the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to all the people of the Central Region of Malawi”



A Conference that disciples all in the Central Region of Malawi.”

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