Central Malawi Conference (CMC) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is conducting fifteen evangelistic crusades at Malomo, in Ntchisi district from 3rd to 16th September, 2023.
The crusades will be conducted by the Personal Ministries Department of CMC. By third September, all the speakers for the fifteen centres were at their alloted sites and ready to preach the gospel of God to the people.
In the morning of 3rd September before beginning the crusades, the Personal Ministries Director at Central Malawi Conference, Pastor Henry Kamchanda met all the preachers and church planters to discuss the progress of their work in their assigned centres. The church planters were able to express challenges and opportunities they were meeting when doing their work. Almost each church planter requested CMC to consider buying land for worshipping places for those who have already joined the church for worship while awaiting the building of churches.
One church planter has a total of 51 members. This is evidence of the good work that has been done.
Although there is good progress, there are some challenges. First challenge is that some rival churches are coming to forcefully call back their former members. In addition to this, some cultural leaders are threatening the new converts that the may die if they follow the SDA doctrines.
In response to the church planters' request Pastor Henry Kamchanda said,
"We are ready as you have seen the Public Address systems are here and the preachers from Lilongwe, Dowa and Ntchisi are here too. We hope these crusades will help Malomo to receive salvation."
Evangelist Bezayi Jabes said that he was ready to go and preach so that a lot of people could join the true church of God.
Since April this year, the church planters have laid a good foundation in Malomo. They have been visiting houses from door to door giving VOP Bible lessons. Some have been converted and baptised. The planters will continue their visitations when the crusades are in progress.
One of the church planters, Joylet Banda said that she was happy with the coming of these crusades as the sermons will help her VOP students as they will be sharpened on what they learnt already. She also said that she is happy with the coming of the male preachers as people undermined her work as a female.
Emmanuel Moses Mkombezi
(CMC Media)