MUC President Commends SDA Police Officers for Donating Iron Sheets to Lisoka Church

Malawi Union Conference (MUC) President of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church Pastor Frackson Kuyama has commended SDA Police Officers for donating iron sheets to Lisoka Church located in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Khongoni, Lilongwe.
The remarks were made during a colorful handover ceremony on Sabbath, November 7, 2020 where the National Police Spokesperson James Kadadzera presented the donation to the church on behalf of the Inspector General (IG).
Speaking during the handover ceremony, the MUC President said the church was struggling and the church members alone could not afford to buy iron sheets but with the timely donation, they are happy to see one of their churches in the area wearing a new face.
"The rainy season is approaching and we are happy to see that Lisoka church will not face problems because the church will be roofed and church gatherings will not be disturbed," said Kuyama.
He added that this is a very good example of Christianity because God gave us a task to help those in need and fill the gaps so that God should be seen to others through our deeds.
He further said professionals from different sectors should borrow a leaf from the Police officers by helping those who are lacking if they have the capacity to do so.

Commenting on the matters of lawlessness, he said as a church, they will make sure they work hand in hand with police in making sure that there is peace and love in the communities because it is one of their responsibility as Church leaders to teach about love and peace.
"We will make sure we sensitize Church members the importance of reporting cases to relevant authorities and not taking the law in their hands.
SDA church has a department that specifically deals with ending violence and abuse and with recent abuse cases, we are encouraging leaders in these departments to come out and reach as many people as possible so that we can reduce such cases here in Malawi," he added.
Speaking in an interview on behalf of the Inspector General of police, the National Police Spokesperson, James Kadadzera said they decided to mobilize money within themselves which totaled about K500,000, and used the money to buy iron sheets so that the church wears a new face and they are happy to see what has been achieved.
"As Police officers, this is part of our social responsibility to help in other areas in need including the church, and the SDA Police Officers have just shown a good example of our social responsibility and that is why we are here today to present the iron sheets," he added.
Kadadzera also took this opportunity to advise the church and community members not to take the law into their hands but rather to report them to relevant authorities as many have lost their lives because of some speculations and cultural believes.
"Some of the individuals who take part in the lawlessness are Christians who are part and parcel of the community. That is why we emphasized that the Christians should be in the fore front taking part in community policing and stopping any form of violence and abuse by reporting any cases encountered in their respective areas to relevant authorities," added Kadadzera.

Receiving the donation, the Central Malawi Conference (CMC), Executive Secretary, Pastor Brian Chafunya thanked the Police officers for worrying about the church and for taking an initiative to help the church by providing them with iron sheets.
"The Bible says blessed is the hand that gives and I pray that God should bless you in every way for sacrificing yourselves and managed to come up with this donation.
Helping does not require us to have a huge amount of money but the little things that we have can change people's lives. I urge each one of you here to have a heart of giving if others are in need and in that way, we will also be spreading the messages of love to the world as our God is," said Chafunya.
He concluded by saying that as CMC, they are happy that one of their churches in the region now has a conducive environment for church gatherings.
The ceremony was spiced up by Balaka Police Adventist Choir, Lisoka Adventist men and Kasiya Dorcas among others.
Lisoka church was established in 2015 and it started with three families and it now has about 25 members.
Reported by Chikondi Basikolo