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Writer's pictureHenry Kopa

Of The End Of The World, Conspiracy Theorists And The Word Of God

Isaiah 8:11-15, says,

"God spoke strongly to me, grabbed me with both hands and warned me not to go along with this people. He said:

“Don’t be like this people, always afraid somebody is plotting against them. Don’t fear what they fear. Don’t take on their worries. If you’re going to worry, worry about The Holy. Fear God-of-the-Angel-Armies. The Holy can be either a Hiding Place or a Boulder blocking your way, The Rock standing in the willful way of both houses of Israel, A barbed-wire Fence preventing trespass to the citizens of Jerusalem. Many of them are going to run into that Rock and get their bones broken, Get tangled up in that barbed wire and not get free of it.” (The Message Bible, MSG)

The desire to know the future is so deeply ingrained in humans since the day Adam and Eve sinned (Gen. 3), so deep that we feel uncomfortable to live in the dark regarding the future and we are willing to do anything to unfathom the mysterious future and we will take anything that promises to fill the void. Humans always want to be certain of what happens to them next. We are uncomfortable and feel unsafe when the future in wrapped in darkness for us so much so that whoever gathers confidence to dare foretell the future for us becomes our saint if not a little god! Even if they lie and we know that they are lying to us, we are still willing to roll out the red carpet for them as long as they confirm our desires and speak to our fears and suspicions. Our psychologists call this behavior as "confirmation bias" and many of us are suffering from that. We are sick...and this is our worst global pandemic by all standards!

At the same time, there is a special feeling of specialness that accompanies the cracking of puzzles and mysteries and knowing something that nobody except us knows. Ever noted that? To be a god to others is so sexy that all of us would do anything and everything to attain it! Perhaps this should not be rocket science for you to appreciate. Did not our fall come about because of this same strange craving for omniscience and omnipotence (Gen 3)? Didn't our "Mom," madam Eve, fall for power and knowledge to become like God who knows everything?

Who doesn't want to be "like God"? Nobody. Not even myself! (By the way, and ironically so, is this not what I'm doing just right now? Just think about it: How will you feel about me after I make sense to you? And what do you think will I feel like when you click your likes for me and give me your super ratings in your comments in this post? At least, a small "wise man from the East," if you won't allow me to be your god! Huh?)

If you got me right then you have just learnt what motivates and entices most of your favorite conspiracy theorists who will tell you about everything from how Bill Gates and Wallen Buffett "became" members and leaders of the illuminati and what they are doing to undermine and hijack God and kidnap humanity in conspiracy with Lucifer aka the Devil, to what will happen at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, accordingly branded as a "plandemic," the hoax that is the universal mandatory vaccine coming up and how it ushers in a New World Order where the mark of the Beast will be introduced and oh, boy, how you will be tracked down and killed with the help of 5G technology, the devil's game changer, if you are a follower of God and Jesus...and they will go on and on and on until they exhaustively take you through the meaning of every consternation of the stars and what they mean and their implications on the world including the meaning of every handshake your parents taught you in your culture and how Masonic and illuminati it turns you when you greet and laugh that way, oh, my goodness...did you notice that your belt and wrist watch have that satanic symbol? probably are already initiated into the clubs! "Watch out!"

If they are religious, then you know how the Pope and the Jesuits fall victim in the hands of our conspiracy theorists...they narrate their scripts as if they were right there in the same room with the Pope and the head of Jesuits at the Vatican. When they narrate Biblical prophecy, gosh! They will make you think that they're a second Jesus or the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised that He would come to guide you in all the details of the future (John 16). They are so confident and flamboyant in their presentations that they will even tempt the angels into believing that they're probably on the wrong side. Maybe I should write a book some day just for this rant.

For today, I just want you to know that power is too sexy to be resisted easily. Go ask Simon "the Magician" in Acts 8:9-24 and he will tell you how right I am. If men and women just knew how much the Holy Spirit costs (assuming He was a commodity for sale) heaven would have been filthy "richer" from the "sales" of the Holy Spirit (oh, pardon my blasphemy!). Power is the deal! That's my point!

Mystery is power. Whoever solves mysteries is guaranteed of worship. And who doesn't want to be worshipped? Did Isaiah 14 not reveal that this was the whole reason the devil aka the Dragon was born (Isaiah 14:12-14)? Under the guise of the King of Babylon, the Bible reveals that the Devil said, and listen to this:

"You said in your heart, ‘I will go up to the heavens. I’ll raise my throne above the stars of God. I’ll sit as king on the mountain where the gods meet. I’ll set up my throne on the highest slopes of Mount Zaphon. 14 I will rise above the tops of the clouds. I’ll make myself like the Most High God.’ (Isaiah 14:12-14, NIRV)

Lust for power and "godness-feeling" is what drives and feeds conspiracy theorists. In other words, it promotes conspiracy theories.

Let me close before their disciples brand me son of perdition and a Masonic heretic in conspiracy with the Jesuits and report me to my church.

But I wanted you to remember this:

  1. That the world will end is a fact because Jesus told us so;

  2. That before the world ends there will be pestilence, wars and all kind of suffering is a fact sealed in oath by heaven, too;

  3. That some earthly powers and corrupt religious systems will rise against God's people is a fact Jesus Himself through John the apostle revealed (Revelation 13);

  4. That there will be the Mark of the Beast as part of the end time game is a fact revealed in style in John's book, the Revelation;

  5. Jesus never gave us the certificate to teach details about it all, let alone speculate as to who will do what, how, where and when?

If anything, He warned us against poking our inquisitive noses into prophecy details unnecessarily seeking to know more than what He revealed and be content in knowing that time will end soon and that it is already time we had better prepared ourselves even as you call it today (Hebrews 3:13 )...listen to what the Bible says in Acts 1:6-7,

"Then the apostles gathered around Jesus and asked him a question. “Lord,” they said, “are you going to give the kingdom back to Israel now?”(Acts 1:6, NIRV)

And then,

"Jesus told them, “You don’t need to know about times or periods that the Father has determined by his own authority." (Acts 1:7, GW)

"Jesus said to them, “The Father is the only One who has the authority to decide dates and times. These things are not for you to know," (ICB)

"You cannot know times and dates which have been fixed by the Father’s sole authority. But you are to be given power when the Holy Spirit has come to you. You will be witnesses to me, not only in Jerusalem, not only throughout Judea, not only in Samaria, but to the very ends of the earth!” (JB Phillips NT)

Did you get that?

“You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.” (Acts 1:7, MSG), Jesus said!

“The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know." (NLT). Not some "amazing" researcher somewhere in the shut-ins of life!

That is according to Jesus in the Acts of the Apostles 1:12-15!

And when asked what would be the sign of His coming He stopped short of disclosing it in Matthew 24. Remember? While it is true that He said that,

"there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places," (Matt.24:7, NKJV), Jesus never disclosed what will be "the" actual sign that He has now departed heaven! At least, He never mentioned some Covid-19, universal mandatory vaccine or Mark of the Beast aka 666 as "the" sign of the end of the World! Never!

If anything, Jesus Himself said,

“Be careful! Don’t let anyone fool you. Many people will come and use my name. They will say, ‘I am the Messiah.’ And they will fool many people. You will hear about wars that are being fought. And you will hear stories about other wars beginning. But don’t be afraid. These things must happen before the end comes. Nations will fight against other nations. Kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will be times when there is no food for people to eat. And there will be earthquakes in different places. These things are only the beginning of troubles, like the first pains of a woman giving birth." (Matthew 24:4-6, ERV).

" won’t yet be the end; it will still be unfolding," (Matthew 24:7, TPT)

Did you get that right? "it will still be unfolding," (Matthew 24:7, TPT); "...don’t be afraid. These things must happen before the end comes." (Matt. 24:6)

You will notice with interest that, while He spent time describing the various events that will precede His coming, critical as they are, He undermined all of them with the following words,

"You will hear of wars and rumours of wars—but don’t be alarmed. Such things must indeed happen, but that is not the end..."( Matt. 24:6-7, JB Phillips).

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (Matt. 24:7, KJV)

"But all that is only the beginning of the birth-pangs," (verse 8, JB Phillips).

That is how He skirted around the question, "what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" (in verse 3, KJV). While He gave the time indicators about the nearness of His coming and the end of the World, He was too cautious to give out the sign that will reveal His date of return. The only sign He gave was His coming!

In other words, the only sure sign that the world is ending or has come to an end will be His very return in the skies, when the world sees Him then, well, it's "check-mate! Game over!" (Matthew 24:29-30). And He accordingly warned thus:

“Someone might say to you at that time, ‘Look, there is the Messiah!’ Or someone else might say, ‘There he is!’ But don’t believe them. False messiahs and false prophets will come and do great miracles and wonders,[b] trying to fool the people God has chosen, if that is possible. Now I have warned you about this before it happens.

“Someone might tell you, ‘The Messiah is there in the desert!’ But don’t go into the desert to look for him. Someone else might say, ‘There is the Messiah in that room!’ But don’t believe it. 27 When the Son of Man comes, everyone will see him. It will be like lightning flashing in the sky that can be seen everywhere. 28 It’s like looking for a dead body: You will find it where the vultures are gathering above," (Matt. 24:23-28, ERV).

Notice that Jesus warns against the very idea of relying on someone to tell you about His arrival. He says, “Someone might tell you, ‘The Messiah is there in the desert!’ But don’t go into the desert to look for him. Someone else might say, ‘There is the Messiah in that room!’ But don’t believe it," (Matt. 24:25-27, ERV).

This includes warning against those who profess to be avid students of the word and great mathematicians and experts in Biblical prophecy and prophetic calculus! Don't waste your time listening to them! Concentrate, instead, on preparing your heart for Jesus!

Notice that there is one very important thing Jesus taught us:

"...don’t be afraid. These things must happen before the end comes." (Matt. 24:6, ERV)

He told us never to panic but simply focus on perfecting our characters...fight down the for the sick, the orphaned, widowed and all! He said, "don’t be alarmed" (Matt. 24:7, JB Phillips).

Prophecy was never given to scare us but rather to prepare us so that when it happens we are never surprised (John 14:29). Prophecy is meant to help us trust God more and have confidence that He did lie when He said what He said before He left (Matt. 24:25; cf. Mark 13:23). Therefore,

"When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don’t panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end," (verses 6-8, MSG).

And then regarding the end of this world and His return He said this,

“Right after the trouble of those days, this will happen:

‘The sun will become dark, and the moon will not give light. The stars will fall from the sky, and everything in the sky will be changed.’

“Then there will be something in the sky that shows the Son of Man is coming. All the people of the world will cry. Everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in the sky. He will come with power and great glory. He will use a loud trumpet to send his angels all around the earth. They will gather his chosen people from every part of the earth."(Matt 24:29-31,ERV).

I hope you noted that Jesus says that you and I will see Him for ourselves and will not need somebody to tell us the date and time when He shows up! The day you see Him is the day the world ends! He is His own sign and the ultimate sign of the end of this world or age!

That is why I want you and I to listen to Isaiah 8:12-15 and let that mould our attitude towards the next conspiracy theorist who shows up and you will be safe. God through Isaiah says,

"Don’t be like this people, always afraid somebody is plotting against them. Don’t fear what they fear. Don’t take on their worries. If you’re going to worry, worry about The Holy. Fear God-of-the-Angel-Armies. The Holy can be either a Hiding Place or a Boulder blocking your way, The Rock standing in the willful way of both houses of Israel, A barbed-wire Fence preventing trespass to the citizens of Jerusalem. Many of them are going to run into that Rock and get their bones broken, Get tangled up in that barbed wire and not get free of it.” (Isaiah 8:12-15, MSG).

While I very much am aware that these words were primarily given to the Israelites of Isaiah's time, I am not too oblivious to the fact that almost everything that you find in the Holy Book was first and primarily spoken to some specific primary audience at the time...nevertheless, God's principles remain unscathed by the passing of time...and so, why not? Listen to the Word of the LORD for thus saith the LORD,

"Don’t be like this people, always afraid somebody is plotting against them. Don’t fear what they fear. Don’t take on their worries. If you’re going to worry, worry about The Holy. Fear God-of-the-Angel-Armies..."

God is bigger than all those little creatures you fear, be they the illuminati or Masons, Bill Gates, China, America, the Pope, whatever! We are never advised to fear let alone prepare to wage physical war against the Mark of the Beast or 666. Never did Jesus ever suggest that His followers should prevent the establishment of the New World Order (assuming they are coming up) or the so called one currency conspiracy. Never! "These things must happen before the end comes." (Matt. 24:6, ERV). If you prevent them then what happens? Do you want to prove Jesus and God the Father liars? God forbid!

Jesus said that "...all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet...And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."(Matt. 24:6,14, KJV).

Therefore, don't build your false spirituality around the Mark of the Beast and the accompanying conspiracy theories. Develop the character of God in you for that's the best and only sure fireproof way to fight and win it over the Beast of Revelation 13. We overcome by the "blood of the Lamb" of God (Rev. 12:11). Not by running to and hiding in some country forest in the Alps or Amazon!

Pastor John A. G. Phiri

Central Malawi Conference, Chilinde District



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On behalf of the 118,712 plus Seventh-day Adventists who comprise Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Malawi, I congratulate you for visiting our website. We are here to serve you. Central Malawi Conference started out as a mission field in 1964 and was first headquartered at Dedza Boma some 99 kilometers from Lilongwe and about 221 kilometers from Blantyre off the M1 road in Malawi.  Read More




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